LDIF, Ligue du Droit International des Femmes

LDIF > Maternité

Le gouvernement espagnol va engager très prochainement une réforme du droit à l'avortement

Le gouvernement espagnol va engager très prochainement une réforme du droit à l'avortement visant à restreindre ce droit. Les organisations espagnoles qui s'opposent à cette réforme collectent jusqu'à ce soir des signatures des soutien.

Si vous ou votre organisation souhaitez vous associer à cette mobilisation: envoyez aujourd'hui un message à: pactomujeres@gmail.com

Informations sur la situation par le Planning Familial d'Espagne:

Sources close to the FPFE and the declaration of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy in El País, (last sunday), informed that the abortion law reform will be submitted in the next 2 weeks to the Council of Ministries and for its approval to the Parliament. Spanish Federation of Family Planning (FPFE) and its member Associations oppose the idea of returning to an abortion law based on assumptions similar to legislation of 1985 (the abortion is necessary to avert a serious risk to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman,; the pregnancy is the result of rape, or the foetus, if carried to term, will suffer from severe physical or mental defects) as this involves:

For society:
1. Increases economic inequality among those that will always be able to afford an abortion and other citizens for whom will be difficult to access for financial constraints.
2. Limits the promotion sexual education and access to contraception as essential elements of current law. More restrictive laws are not linked to any reduction in abortions. Add barriers to contraception and the emergency contraception leads to an increased need for abortion.
3. The application of the current law has not generated any health or legal problem, nor has it increased the numbers of abortion in any autonomous region, and therefore a measure like this is against the feelings of the majority opinion prioritizes a few, based on moral, not scientific claims.
4. Ambiguous rules as above, provided that each region acts in accordance with the political ideology of their governments, leading to possible increase health inequalities.
5. Away from the prevailing legal framework in the European Union (only Ireland, Poland and Malta, have more restrictive laws than Spain).

For women:
6. A violation of their rights by denying his ability to decide about her pregnancy and her body, and to delegate its authority over a tutor or expert who decide for them.
7. Legal uncertainty as the criminalization of abortion leads to back anyone who is relying on an assumption of decriminalization can be subsequently questioned and prosecuted.
8. Lengthens and complicates the process favoring late-term abortion and illegal abortion, with grave danger to the health of women.
9. Increased psychological distress and suffering that accompany unwanted pregnancy.

For professionals:
10. Legal uncertainty and may question the placement of an alleged decriminalized and filed lawsuits against him /her.
11. Place back to the professionals, especially psychiatrists, in difficult situations because according to previous performance, over 90% of the cases were justified by them.

For the fetus:
12. Less consideration of its legal protection as well as the ambiguity imposed by the subjectivity of the expert who has to issue a report that justifies the intervention may not respect the time related to fetal viability are considered and defined itself with the current law.

Site de la plateforme de mobilisation pour la défense du droit à l'avortement en Espagne :

 Lien : http://nosotrasdecidimos.org/pacto-entre-mujeres-por-los-dsyr-y-de-la-interrupcion-voluntaria-del-embarazo/

LDIF, La Ligue du Droit International des Femmes
6 place Saint Germain des Près 75005 PARIS France